Sunday, April 27, 2008

Help 911

It is 12:14am Sunday morning, I was driving home on the 60 freeway and I saw a driver swerving in and out of lanes, I keep my distance and dialed the local CHP office from my cell phone (I though it would be smart to have their local number on my phone because I know what a problem it could be getting through to 911 during an emergency) well, needless to say that did’t work, then I dialed 911, no luck, then 311 I got a message from the Mayor (as soon as I heard that I just hung-up). What A shame, the drunk driver could kill someone tonight and I could not even get someone on the phone to report it. I strongly urge your station to air a special report on this, reference all the fees we pay to our cell phone carriers, fee after fee and for what?????? THEY DON’T EVEN PICK-UP WHEN YOU NEED THEM! Lets make a difference, lets send out emails and get as many news agencies in this as we can. Ask yourself this question, if I was on the side of the road bleeding to death, could I wait to tell someone where I am for help??????

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